
Showing posts from February, 2023

Doctor Who: Language and Representation blog tasks

  Language and contexts 1) Write a summary of the notes from our in-class analysis of the episode. You can use your own notes from the screening in class and we'll also post a Google document of class notes too (you'll need your GHS Google login).  Camerawork and sound:  at the start of the episode they have the theme tune song for doctor who and have a science-fiction setting. they have the title of the show and episode in simple text and have slow movement with the camera. they have the sound of the tardis to help create the sci-fi genre.  they have closeup scenes of Susan to also show flashbacks of what she is having. In the middle of the episode they position the camera to make the doctor look evil when we are introduced to him. we also get close-ups of Ian and Barbara when they enter the tardis to show their confusion. we get a sound effect from the tardis when it is switched on. by the and of the episode we get close-ups of the characters when the tardis goes off and we c

Videogames case study 2: Kim Kardashian Hollywood

  Language 1) What is the objective when playing the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game? the aim is to push your avatar to fame. there are six catorgries and you want to head for the a-list category and to build your social life and be a star.  2) What is an A-list celebrity? Why is it important in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood? an a-list celebrity means that your avatar is high ranked celebrity and is very well known the higher you reach the more of a star celebrity you become.  3) How do you download the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game? you can download it on the app store and it is free to download on smartphones and tablets, but there is in app purchases.  4) What is the narrative or storyline of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood? Where is it set? the stroyline of Kim kardashian: Hollywood is to become best friends with Kim kardashian and to rise as a celebrity like her, with her guiding you along the way. you get to appear at red carpet events, gigs, photo shoots and get to meet celebrities on the